• Helvetia-Weinbau-Ottiger-01
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Vineyard Ottiger



Uniquely strong character! Across every winegrowing region in the world, each individual winery is characterised by a particularly strong spirit of innovation. In Central Switzerland, this role is played by Weinbau Ottiger. The vineyard has an idyllic location in Kastanienbaum by the Vierwaldstättersee. The low-nutrient, gravelly moraine soil is perfectly suited to winegrowing. The vine rows slope gently south and south-westwards to the lake and benefit from its temperature-regulating effect. Weinbau Ottiger cultivates seven hectares of land in accordance with the ecologically-based guidelines of Vinatura. The dedicated team led by Kevin Studer und Denis Koch press eight varieties of grape to create a whole assortment of characterful wines.